Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Slice of Chicago

Living in New York and telling people I'm from Chicago usually leads to a pizza conversation. Sometimes there is a city question "which one do you like better?" meaning you better like New York better, but mostly there is the pizza question. Who has the better pizza?

Now, when I first moved here, I would unabashedly say "Chicago pizza!" but soon learned that was the wrong thing to say. New Yorkers are very serious about their pizza and are always quick to defend their slice of pie though admittedly most of them have never tried a Chicago-style pizza or if they have, it usually this  monstrosity--the Chicago Style deep dish pizza:

A deep dish pizza to Chicagoans is like spaghetti to those in Italy. Something that its known for, but locals don't really eat all that much. It's good, but, to most, just way too filling--a little too much. It really is like eating a vat of cheese. So when New Yorkers say Chicago style pizza is disgusting (and they do to my face!) I have the distinct feeling that they are talking about the deep dish.

What they don't know about is the perfect goodness of a Chicago thin crust pizza. The ideal Chitown thin crust is heavy on the sauce, layered with the filling of your choice (my choice is almost always pepperoni and mushroom) and topped with a generous portion of cheese. It is then baked until the top is slightly browned and cut into small squares allowing the piece that you choose to have its own unique taste. For instance, if you take a square closer to the outside you get piece that's crisper and has a distinct crust, but if you get one from the middle it is extra ooey gooey and cheesey. Since the squares are usually not the same size, you can always go for one more small piece that is actually small. And trust me you always are going for one more small piece!

The first year I moved to New York, I got deathly sick. Although, I was sweating through my sheets sick, strangely enough I still had a very healthy appetite. Seriously, even when I am sick I can eat! I think I even eat more. So I was missing my Mom of course, because no one makes much of you when you are sick like your Mom, which made me miss my friends, which made me miss my city, which lead to me to really wanting a Chicago Style thin crust pizza (this is how my mind works). I then laid in bed barely breathing and searched the internet for a NYC restaurant that would serve it. 

I immediately found the sad Pizzeria Uno, which, in its New York incarnation, is nothing like its home location. In New York, its basically a TGI Fridays or Chilis. Lot of nachos, wings, cheese sticks, but it doesn't really serve pizza just some flat bread thing. I then proceeded to search the internet for hours with naps in between. I was in a pizza frenzy but nothing came up. I was so prepared to have Mark go anywhere in New York to pick it up, to be that big of a brat, but alas no results. Nowhere in New York does anyone make Chicago style thin crust pizza. I then proceeded to try to get it shipped  next day from Chicago--because I am that much of a manaic. Unfortunately, the only pizza any Chicago restaurant would ship was a deep dish and I was not having that. I gave up and then died. No I didn't! I probably had Thai and went to sleep exhausted from my pizza search, because that is what I eat when I am sick. However, the moral of the story is that is how good Chicago style thin crust pizza is. I was dying for it!

Living in New York for three years now, I have come to appreciate the subtle beauty of a New York style slice--and it is always a slice never a square. There is a greater attention paid to the bread. The bread must be crisp, but soft enough to fold in almost taco form which I love because I love tacos!  They are easy on the sauce and sparing on the cheese yet you taste each component distinctly.  Most of all, its the New York slice of the movies, the slice that you think of when you dream of New York, it is a slice of New York.

When I have the pizza conversation nowadays, I am answer the same answer I give to the City question. They are different, but amazing in their unique way. Chicago is comforting and New York is iconic, I love them both.

I'm going home this weekend and can't wait to grab piece of my hometown. xoxo happy nibbling!

Images of Chicago Thin Crust Pizzas


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